The Six Pillars of Faith
This Level talks about Eemaan and its pillars: believing in Allah, His Angels, His books and His messengers. All of these details in a simple way.
6 Lessons-
The First Article of Faith: Belief in Allah
The most important teaching of Islam is that only God is to be served and worshipped. Also, the biggest sin in Islam is to worship other beings with God.13 0 -
The second Article of Faith: Belief in Angels
Allah created unseen beings called angels who work tirelessly to administer His kingdom in full obedience. The angels surround us at all times, each has a duty; some record our words and deeds.1 0 -
The Third Article of Faith: Belief in Revealed Books of Allah
Belief in Revealed Books of Allah: Muslims believe that God revealed His wisdom and instructions through ‘books’ to some of the prophets like the Psalms, Torah, and the Gospel.1 0 -
The fourth Article of Faith: Belief in Prophets and Messengers of Allah
Muslims believe that God communicates His guidance through human prophets sent to every nation.0 0 -
The fifth Article of Faith: Belief in The Day of Judgment
Belief in Day of Judgment: The life of this world and all that is in it will come to an end on an appointed day. At that time, every person will be raised from the dead.0 0 -
The sixth Article of Faith: Belief in Destiny and Divine Decree
Belief in Destiny and Divine Decree: Muslims believe that since God is the Sustainer of all life, nothing happens except by His Will and with His full knowledge.0 0