My faith
All divine messages, which the prophets brought to their people, called to the worship of Allah alone without associating anyone in worship with Him and to reject all false deities. In fact, this is the exact meaning of the testimony of faith through which one enters the fold of Islam by pronouncing it.
11 Lessons-
Introduction to Islam
Introduction to Islam55 0 -
Islam is a religion of life
Islam is a religion of life18 0 -
The Six Pillars of Faith (Eemaan)
The Six Pillars of Faith (Eemaan)5 0 -
The meaning of the two testimony of faith
The meaning of the two testimony of faith.1 0 -
The meaning of belief in Allah
This means firm belief that Allah ﷻ exists, resolutely affirming His Lordship, Godship and Names and Attributes.1 0 -
Importance of the Belief that Allah is the Only God Worthy of Worship
The importance of the belief that Allah is the only God who deserves to be worshipped is apparent in a number of aspects.2 0 -
Belief in the Angels
This means firm belief that they exist, that they belong to the unseen world, not our world, and that they are honoured and pious servants who worship Allah as He deserves to be worshipped, execute His commands and never disobey Him.2 0 -
Associating Partners with Allah in Worship (Shirk)
Associating Partners with Allah in Worship (Shirk)1 0 -
Belief in the Divine Books
This means firm belief that Almighty Allah has sent down some divine books to some of His messengers, and that they contain the speech of Allah which must be thought of in a manner that suits His majesty. These books also contain the truth, light and guidance for people in both this world and in the hereafter.3 0 -
Belief in the Messengers
People need a divine message to show them Allah’s laws and guide them to the right path. Indeed, a divine message is the spirit, light and the very life of the world, without which the world would certainly be lifeless and man would be plunged into the darkness of ignorance and misguidance?1 0 -
Belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as a Prophet and Messenger
We believe that Muhammad ﷺ was Allah’s servant and messenger, that he is the best of all mankind without exception, the seal of the prophets and so there will be no prophet after him. He Fully delivered the divine message assigned to him, discharged his prophetic duties, sincerely counselled the Muslim community, and strove hard for the cause of Allah to the best of his ability.5 0